About us


Let us get up early and prepare your healthy breakfast for you, so you can sleep in just that little bit longer. We chop, mix, bake and prepare your delicious blends for you, so when you get up all you have to do is mix it in with whatever takes your fancy and enjoy!

We love breakfast and believe that it is the most important meal of the day, but how many times have you woken up in the morning and not had enough time to whip up a healthy, delicious breakfast? So instead you cave and have toast or completely skip breakfast altogether?

You’re not alone if this sounds familiar because 1 in 7 people do completely skip breakfast.

Granola blends are a perfect way to enjoy a healthy and easy breakfast that kick-starts your day, however, those store bought ones often leave us disappointed: too much sugar, too many preservatives and a serious lack in flavour.

This is where blendm8 comes in…

We create unique handmade blends that are not only healthy but are bloody delicious too. We use only natural ingredients and unique ingredients in our blends so that you can start your day with a healthy (and tasty) kick. When you first sign up to blendm8 you will receive a glass jar so you can eat your blendm8 on the go, in the office or even prepare it the night before. So no matter how time poor you are, there is no excuse to not start your day right and in turn, become mates with your health!

We use only natural ingredients that taste bloody good! All of the ingredients chosen for our blends are picked for freshness, taste and nutrition - not cost. 

There are no artificial flavours, colours or presertivates, just real food so you can becomes m8s with your health.


Your blends are made completely by hand from trained professionals. What you get from us is minimally processed, organic and made fresh just before we ship out to you!


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